The Woman in White Wilkie Collins

The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
Автор: Коллинз Уильям Уилки
Издательство: Penguin, 2005 г.
Серия: Penguin Popular Classics
Редактор-составитель: Габране Роберт Ильясович
Верстка: Куревлев Искандер Алексеевич
Оформитель: Татлыбаев Алексей Николаевич
Объем: 224
Формат: fb2, pdf,txt

Аннотация "The Woman in White"
The Woman in White famously opens with Walter Hartright's eerie encounter on a moonlit London road. Engaged as a drawing master to the beautiful Laura Fairlie, Walter is drawn into the sinister intrigues of Sir Percival Glyde and his 'charming' friend Count Fosco, who has a taste for white mice, vanilla bonbons and poison. Pursuing questions of identity and insanity along the paths and corridors of English country houses and the madhouse, The Woman in White is the first and most influential of the Victorian genre that combined Gothic horror with psychological realism.
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  • The Woman in White Wilkie Collins

  • The Woman in White Wilkie Collins
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